The Company works successfully on complicated and interesting real estate projects for residential, office and industrial properties.
Attorney-at-law Boris Elenkov is admitted as a Partner.
The Company advises an energy distribution company in connection with the obtaining of considerable foreign funding.
The Company starts a beneficial cooperation with an established large company for international transportation and logistics.
The Company sets up and successfully establishes a working leasing company for the sale of heavy-duty trucks for international transportation.
Renegotiation of power purchase agreements and restructuring of NEC’s debt relating to the two main thermal power plants in the country. 2015 Legal advisors to an electricity distribution company in connection with disputes for violation of competition protection laws and advice regarding the laws for construction of high-speed telecommunication networks and physical infrastructure.
The Company actively participates in the establishment of a complex arbitration court according to the rules used by the ICC Paris Court of Arbitration.
After the change of the foreign investor in the concession company, our lawyers advise the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on the nation-wide restructuring and legal reform in the Water Supply and Sanitation sector. Our constructive cooperation continues to date.
The Company acts as the representative of bank-creditors and/or its lawyers act as public receivers on complex and important bankruptcy proceedings.
Legal advisor to the financial institutions regarding the South Stream gas pipeline.
The Company gains exceptional experience in the area of domestic and international arbitration, in particular according to the rules of the ICC Paris Court of Arbitration, and its attorneys-at-law act as arbiters for the Court of Arbitration.
Адвокатите участват активно в тежки и многообразни търговски дела в областта на банковото право, обезпеченията, несъстоятелност и реструктуриране на дружества. Делата са с широк обществен отзвук и значителен материален интерес.
The Company becomes legal advisor to several banks on matters of restructuring of receivables, legal proceedings and bankruptcies and gains extensive experience in this area acting nation-wide.
The Company advises the financial institutions about the construction of nine hydro-power plants on the Iskar river.
The Company advises a German potential investor on the project for the second Bulgarian nuclear power plant Belene.
The Partners register a law firm under the new Bar Act.
Attorneys-at-law Nikolay Nalbantov, Gergana Ilieva and Ivaylo Balkanski are admitted as Partners.
Work on the first and largest wind farms as advisor to the financial institutions.
The Company works on complex investment projects for the construction and operation of commercial outlets of big international chains of stores and two malls.
The Company in a consortium with another law firm advises the foreign investor in the main telecommunication company, and after the privatization, takes on the work relating to real estates, underground and overhead technical infrastructure, legal aspects of signal retranslation, signal transfer for the new GSM operator, base stations, while also participating in a large-scale project for personnel optimization including planning, drafting of documents, and subsequent litigation on cases brought by and against our client.
The Company participates in the negotiation of all conditions for privatization of the two main thermal power plants as advisor to the financial institutions.
The Company advises a number of foreign funds and international financial institutions for the lending of funding to Bulgarian enterprises and credit lines to Bulgarian banks in order to create better conditions for various economic sectors.
The Company works on the privatization of the two largest thermal power plants in South Eastern Bulgaria as advisor of the financial institutions.
Attorney-at-law Petya Kolcheva becomes the main advisor of the foreign investor and participant in the first concession agreement in the Water Supply and Sanitation sector, and participates in the preparation, negotiations and renegotiation of the water concession for the client. She is involved in the full restructuring of the WSS sector, including active participation in the creation of legislation in the sector.
The Company becomes advisor of foreign investors in areas such as production and sale of heavy-duty trucks, industrial gases, food industry, chains of stores, some of which it still advises to this day.
The Company actively works with leading foreign risk funds relating to participation in newly founded or growing Bulgarian enterprises and gains considerable experience in matters regarding relations between partners, providing of mutual exit strategies, corporate governance and control, protection of minority shareholders, syndicated and subordinated financing, obtaining of lending and credits.
The Company becomes advisor of the foreign investor in the Water Supply concession of Sofia, and works on the concession agreement, all licenses, outsourcing of certain activities, renegotiation of the concession agreement and bringing the activity in compliance with the new legislation in the water sector both as an industry and from an environmental point of view.
The Company assists for the establishment of the Stock Exchange by creating the Articles of Association, Rules for Operation and Trade, and by actively participating in the processes for creation of the capital market, including licensing of participants and the operation of the Financial Supervision Commission.
The Company actively participates in the mass privatization by helping for the creation of four management and employee buyout companies and three privatization funds.
The Company advises on a number of privatization procedures and makes legal due diligence reports for more than 60 enterprises in the whole country.
+359 2 988 5709; +359 2 988 3041
Ул. “Кузман Шапкарев” №4 София 1000